Just let's party.
Have fun and don't think.
Doesn't matter about what. Just don't.
Drink a little.
Maybe a few beer. Maybe a few more.
Listen to the music.
Dance to it.
Show that you are having fun.
Feel sexy. And enjoy guys looking at you.
Sing the songs you know.
And if a guy can't leave his hands to himself.
Go and dance somewhere else.
But if this guy, you didn't talk to in while,
but still kinda like, jumps down from where he danced,
comes to you, comes close and asked you to come with him,
just to talk, go with him.
And you talk, and it seems like he likes you.
Enjoy every second of it.
Then say you gotta leave to find your friends.
And after you left the party.
Do what you shouldn't do.
Text him immediatley.
Tell him it was nice seeing him again.
And wait, wait for his answer.
Enjoy reading he like it, too!
Just love your life for the moment.
dein header ist ja süß ♥