
class ring.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
My dear class ring, I want to thank you.
Thank you for everything you do for me.
You give me strength. Strength I do need.
You give me the strength to believe in myself.
You remind me that I can do so much.
That I am strong enough.
Strong enough to handle problems.
Strong enough to take challenges.
Strong enough to prove myself, no matter what happens.
You remind me how strong I was.
How I went to america.
Didn't know anyone, wasn't really good speaking english,
and never been there before.
But I went there, alone. And stayed one year.
It might been hard in the beginning.
But after that, it was the best year in my life.
I realized I can reach my goals if I want to.
Thank you class ring.
Thank you america.♥

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